San Bernardino Superior Court Welcomes New Commissioner, Guy A. Bovee
PRESS RELEASE: Needles Courthouse to Reopen One Day Per Month Starting July 2017
San Bernardino Superior Court Streamlines Operating Hours Countywide
Needles Courthouse to Reopen One Day Per Month Starting July 2017
San Bernardino Superior Court Welcomes Two New Judges: Commissioner Winston S. Keh and Antoine F. Raphael
San Bernardino Superior Court Expands Access, Fontana Courthouse to Add Express Window for Small Claims & Landlord Tenant Filings
San Bernardino Superior Court Celebrates Juror Appreciation Week May 8-12
San Bernardino Superior Court Receives Innovation Grant
San Bernardino Superior Court Visits Thompson Elementary School to Showcase its Award-Winning Civics Program
Civil Settlement Conference Week October 23 - 27, 2017
Notice of Civil Case Filings to Move to San Bernardino Justice Center
San Bernardino Superior Court Welcomes New Commissioner, Susan Slater
Applications Deadline Extended for the Fiscal Year 2017-2018 San Bernardino County Civil Grand Jury
Applications Now Being Accepted for the Fiscal Year 2017-2018 San Bernardino County Civil Grand Jury